Monday, July 23, 2018

Close Call

A mix-up with cell phones throws Sidney Ellison into the path of a hired killer. In Close Call by Laura DiSilverio, Sidney doesn't realize she has the wrong phone until she receives a call confirming a hit on a Senate candidate. (Close Call will be published in September.)

Paralyzed with fear and the memories of her past political shaming, she decides not to mention the call to anyone. Unfortunately "the client" and the hitman discover their mistake and decide to eliminate Sidney Ellison. This leads to a tragic case of mistaken identity and forces Sidney into the public eye once again.

As a college student fifteen years ago, she was involved in an affair with the Speaker of the House in Washington and suffered through the infamy that caused. Her father, a successful lawyer, had a debilitating stroke as a result of the scandal and her sister was the reporter who broke the story.

She tries to contact the Congressman who is running for Senate, Fidel Montoya, but he recognizes
her name and thinks she is trying to undermine his campaign. Frustrated by his refusal to listen, she soon discovers someone was murdered in her townhouse, execution style.

Chilled to the bone, she learns it was her fiance Jason and Sidney is sure the hit was meant for her - a case of mistaken identify. As she pulls at a thread to try to unravel the murder, more and more strange events begin to occur leading to a startling conclusion.

An excellent mystery with just the right amount of twists and turns.

Purchase link 

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