Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Interview with Cynthia Kuhn

How many books have you published? 

Five—two of which are mysteries.

Under what names do you publish? 
Cynthia Kuhn.

What is a day in the life of an author like? Do you write a certain number of words, do you write in the morning or evening, etc?  
Since I teach full-time and parent, it’s difficult. I just grab small blocks of time whenever possible—for example, early in the morning or late at night. It’s different every week. But those add up.

Do you plot the entire book first, then write or plot as you go? 
I do a bullet-point outline of each chapter to see the “big picture” upfront, then I begin drafting. By the end, I will have certainly veered away from the outline! Then I go back and rewrite until it holds together. So I guess the answer is: plot, write, re-plot, rewrite.

Do you use real people and places as models for your books? 
No. Though it would be fun to try.

Who is your favorite author? 
Margaret Atwood, Sylvia Plath, L.M. Montgomery, Amanda Cross, Alice Walker, William Goldman

Do you write with pen and paper or a computer? 
I write on a computer, but I pause to freewrite or draw things in a spiral notebook when I need to sort out thoughts. It taps into a different mode of thinking, somehow.

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