Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Drowning

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Eight-year-old Joey Proctor is heading to summer camp, but not happily. He doesn't want to be away from his parents, but off he goes. To make matters worse, his swim instructor wants him to jump in the deep water and learn to swim.

In The Drowning by J.P. Smith, Joey knows he is terrified of the deep water and refuses to jump in. Alex, the instructor, wants everyone to jump in from the dock and swim to the raft. When Joey doesn't move, Alex picks up him up and throws him into the water. Thrashing around and frightened he might drown, Joey is paralyzed with fear. Alex realizes what is happening jumps in and grabs Joey. But instead of bringing him to shore, he swims with him to the raft, hoists him onto it and
swims away, telling Joey if he wants to go back to his cabin, he needs to swim ashore.

Hours later Alex checks the raft and doesn't see Joey so he believes he swam back to shore. The next morning the entire camp is in an uproar because Joey is missing, never to be seen again. An old scary legend about John Otis stealing boys from the camp rears its head. Everyone is afraid.

Fast forward 20 years and Alex Mason is a wealthy, respected real estate businessman in New York. Everything he touches turns to gold. He seems to be living a charmed life until strange occurrences begin. First someone dyes his swimming pool water red and carves the words "Remember me" on the floor of the pool. When the police ask about enemies, Alex is perplexed. He doesn't think he has enemies who would do something like this.

When the events escalate and begin to point to Joey Proctor, Alex remembers the experience from camp and believes maybe Joey is alive and seeking revenge. With his life spiraling out of control and his family threatened, Alex decides to find Joey Proctor and stop the harassment.

The Drowning is not just another camper goes missing book. It is a diabolically written mystery.

1 comment:

Denise Kainrath said...

Really excited to "borrow" this one from off your shelf!