Monday, February 20, 2017

Searching for Monet

When your niece discovers a list of property owned by your extravagant grandparents and it includes a description of two water lily paintings, it's no wonder Kathleen Williamson and her sister Andrea Flynn jump in their car and head for the hills. In Moon Signs by Helen Haught Fanick, visions of Monet millions dance in their heads.

The sisters travel to the hotel their grandparents once owned to search for the painting. The hotel, in the Potomac Highlands of West Virginia, is now owned by a brother and sister - Stefan and Olga - and they have given the sisters permission to inspect the trunks left in the attic by their grandparents.

Before they are able to begin their search they discover the body of Olga behind the reception desk. Missing are two huge diamonds she wore, but was it a simple robbery or something more? With so many people in and out of the hotel and a local resident complaining about the "foreigners" invading the area, there are plenty of suspects. When Kathleen, Stefan, Andrea, Maggie and David are stranded on the ski lift and they hear a shot fired, their anxiety grows.

Meanwhile on the Monet hunt, Kathleen discovers the previous owner used the original frames to display his North Woods collection of art. She decides to remove the prints and check underneath them. Still on the case, Andrea discovers someone might be trying to kill Stefan.

With the possible Monet paintings swirling in the background and plenty of guilty looking people in the hotel, Kathleen and Andrea continue to investigate. They are charming pair, totally opposite in personalities, but I enjoyed their determination to find the killer. You'll have to read the book to find out if the water lilies were Monet paintings!

You can find more books by Helen Haught Fanick by clicking here.

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