Monday, February 13, 2017

Hercule Poirot Returns

What would the first international blog post be with a Hercule Poirot book - not written by Agatha Christie - but by Sophie Hannah. In Closed Casket, Hannah is carrying on the Hercule Poirot mystery with the blessing of Dame Agatha's grandson Mathew Prichard.

Hercule Poirot and Edward Catchpool, a detective from Scotland Yard, are invited to celebrated children's author Lady Playford's estate in Clonkilty, Cork, Ireland for one week. Upon there arrival Lady Playford announces that she has changed her will to leave everything to her terminally ill secretary, Joseph Scotcher. But why does she disinherit her two children, Claudia and Harry, for someone who will die shortly from kidney disease?

Everyone is mystified included the two detectives. When Joseph Scotcher is find dead the next day with his head bashed in, Poirot and Catchpool try to unravel the mystery. Scotcher's long time nurse Sophie Bourlet claims she witnessed Claudia Playford with the club in her hand standing over
Joseph's body.

Before long, two mysteries things are discovered - Scotcher was poisoned, not bludgeoned, and he was healthy as a horse. No kidney disease. Why would someone pretend to be terminally ill for so many years?

Hercule Poirot uses his "little gray cells" to solve the problem with a  startling result.

Sophie Hannah treats Monsieur Poirot in the manner in which he is accustomed. She does a wonderful job of recreating Dame Agatha's voice.

Other books by Sophie Hannah can be found here.

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