Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Risky Undertaking for Loretta Singletary

When sixty-something Loretta Singletary updates her hairstyle and dresses in more trendy clothing, no one in Jarrett Creek, Texas, thinks twice about it, especially her friend Chief Samuel Craddock. In A Risky Undertaking for Loretta Singletary by Terry Shames, Loretta is a reliable mainstay of the close-knit community. 

Then one day she disappears. No one is too concerned until Chief Craddock learns she has been meeting men from an online dating site. The chief can hardly believe Loretta would do this, but when her friends confirm it, he decides to check out the site. 

While he is investigating, a woman from a neighboring town who has also used the same site is reported missing. He doubles down on his efforts to find Loretta and even enrolls in the dating site as a woman. He uses some of Loretta's interests and tries to lure the same man who met Loretta to want to meet him.

Meanwhile another storm is brewing in town. It seems the new Baptist minister wants to horn in on the Catholic church's sponsorship of the annual goat rodeo. For years Father Sanchez has been coordinating with no complaints. But now the Baptists want some of the "glory." 

The chief tries to reason with the Women's Circle members telling them all the other churches will want to be sponsors as well. Needless to see he could use Loretta's help on convincing them not to demand participation. 

The chief find the internet can be a dark place, especially for the innocent but there are a few surprises awaiting him as he digs deeper into Loretta's disappearance. 

Twists, turns and a suspenseful search for a missing woman and Chief Craddock finds some surprises along the way. 

1 comment:

Denise Kainrath said...

Oh this sounds really good! Nice review, Mom.